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Workforce Development Committee

Empower Your Future with the Workforce Development Committee

The Greater Haralson Chamber's Workforce Development Committee is dedicated to building a strong, skilled, and adaptable workforce that meets the evolving needs of our local economy. By connecting businesses, educational institutions, and community organizations, we aim to foster opportunities for growth, training, and employment that benefit both employers and job seekers.

Our Mission:

  • Skill Building: Enhance the skill sets of our local workforce through targeted training programs, workshops, and educational partnerships.
  • Career Pathways: Create clear pathways to career advancement by connecting individuals with resources, mentorship, and job placement services.
  • Business Support: Assist local businesses in finding, developing, and retaining the talent they need to thrive in a competitive market.

What We Do:

  • Training Programs: Develop and offer a range of training opportunities, from technical skills to soft skills, tailored to the needs of various industries in our community.
  • Partnerships: Collaborate with schools, colleges, and vocational programs to ensure educational curricula align with current and future job market demands.
  • Job Matching: Facilitate connections between job seekers and employers through job fairs, networking events, and an online job portal.
  • Research and Advocacy: Conduct research on workforce trends and advocate for policies that support workforce development and economic growth.

Why Join the Workforce Development Committee?

  • Influence Change: Have a direct impact on shaping the future workforce and addressing skills gaps in your industry.
  • Access Resources: Gain access to a wealth of resources, including training programs, networking opportunities, and labor market insights.
  • Build Partnerships: Forge valuable partnerships with educational institutions, community organizations, and other businesses committed to workforce excellence.
  • Support Community Growth: Contribute to the economic and social vitality of our community by helping individuals secure meaningful employment and career progression.

Who Should Join?

Business leaders, HR professionals, educators, training providers, and community advocates who are passionate about workforce development and eager to drive positive change in our local economy.

Together, we can create a dynamic and resilient workforce that supports the long-term prosperity of our community. Join the Workforce Development Committee and be a catalyst for growth and success!

If you are interested in joining the Workforce Development Committee, please contact us.

Phone: 770-537-5594